Second Wind Dreams - Gifts of Light
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Second Wind Dreams® invites skilled nursing centers to participate in Gifts of Light. This annual program provides Holiday gifts and visits for your residents who would otherwise receive none. We rely on you to communicate your residents’ wish lists which are then matched up with local volunteers.

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
Imagine yourself living in a nursing home, relying on 24-hour care, and owning nothing more than the clothes on your back. Picture a life with no family and an overwhelming feeling that you have lost your control, freedom, and rights. Although this scenario may seem unimaginable, unfortunately it’s a sad reality for many elders this upcoming holiday season. During a time that is typically filled with joy, compassion and family, for many nursing home residents, the holiday cheer is replaced with feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression. Hallways remain void of holiday cards, gifts, or even a visit from friends or family for these individuals.
Due to COVID and visitation restrictions, volunteers will be asked to drop-off or ship gifts (or cards) to your nursing home. Gifts are requested to arrive the week of December 13-17, 2021. Please refer to your state's current COVID response guidelines to determine how long mail/packages should "sit" before distributing to your elders.
Once we receive your notification of interest, we will email you additional details and a link to submit your residents' wish list online. Please provide ONLY elders' names who receive little or no visitors or gifts. Gift Ideas: Blue cardigan sweater size large, sugar free cookies, or hand lotion. *If you receive a wish idea exceeding $50 value, please submit this request and elder’s story as an e-dream to and we will be happy to help you raise funding.
Wish List Deadline: October 25, 2021