"When providing care I use a 'GEM focus' to better understand the person living with dementia, what the unmet need might be, and how to respond in the best manner to support function and independence for the person living with dementia.
Using a "GEM focus" helps me...
see what skills remain,
learn how to support and use those skills, and
utilize consistent ways to provide the support needed to achieve a desired outcome.
I like the fact that everything is based on what the person is still capable of doing and that when I use visual, verbal, touch cues (in that order) together with a Positive Physical Approach makes the difference between anxiety and refusals to cooperation and communication that provides the person living with dementia to maintain independence and dignity."

About the GEMS™
Help us to see what remains and learn how to support and use those skills
Give us consistent ways in which we can provide support for the best chance of success for each person based on what they can do and what they need help to do
How do the GEMS™ help?
Use familiar concepts to talk about a difficult subject
Focus on what is valued
Allow us to get beyond the words dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Open the door to talking about changes
Allow us to speak in code to protect dignity
Offer strategies and techniques to improve care and interactions
It’s not all about loss, it’s about life!
GEMS™ and POSITIVE APPROACH™ are trademarks of Positive Approach, LLC.