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The "6-Steps to BEE Dementia Friendly" offers family members, caregivers, first responders and all those interested in learning more about dementia the opportunity to learn from Teepa Snow, Dementia Expert.  You will learn effective strategies to use when communicating and helping your loved one with dementia.  You will learn strategies to use and strategies to avoid at the different levels of dementia. 

After you have completed the 6-Steps, please rate the training and provide your email address so that we can send training handouts to you.

Thank you for BEE-ing Dementia Friendly 

Step 1 What is Dementia?
Step 1 What is Dementia.png
Types of dementia Teepa Snow mentioned in the video: "What is Dementia?"

Teepa Snow mentioned them all.

She described how each type is different yet...​​

Dementia = Brain Failure​​


Bruce Willis has a diagnosis of Frontal temporal dementia.


Julie Andrews fights Huntington's disease.


Robin Williams had Lewy Body dementia.

Step 2 (3).png
SOS Senior GEMS.jpg

Senior GEMS.pdf

Which stage Living GEMS did Teepa Snow describe in her Positive Physical Approach video ?

Teepa Snow created the living GEMS because "everyone is special and unique" and "...deserve the right care to shine."


A Care Partner equipped with strategies and a positive approach can change resistance and objection into acceptance and communication.​

Step 2 - Positive Physical Approach
Step 3 Hand-under-Hand
Step 3 (2).png
What risks are reduced by the proper use of hand-under-hand as demonstrated by Teepa Snow in her video?

"Dementia does not rob them of their dignity.

We do with our response."

- Teepa Snow​​


Dementia = Brain Failure​


They are having a HARD TIME and doing the BEST they can!


It's up to you to respond appropriately.

Step 4 First Respoders
Step 4 (2).png
What does Teepa Snow describe in her videos with EMS?

We are all first responders in an emergency!​​​


Use strategies that assure them that YOU are NOT THE ENEMY with visual / verbal cues while providing them with Option 1 or Option 2.


​​Fear = Fight or Flight​​




Their SELF DEFENSE can look like AGGRESSION!

​​Understanding helps!

Step 5 (2).png
SOS Their Way form.jpg


What does teepa snow suggest will help when faced with a difficult situation?

Imagine the person living with dementia is suddenly YOU!


​Dementia = Brain Failure​


Dementia can and does happen to anyone.

Step 5 Challenging Situations
Step 6 (3).png
check all you think are types of dementia

All of these listed are types of dementia and there are approximately 70 more.


Dementia = Brain Failure


Many types but only one response - POSITIVE!!

Step 6 Coaching
Bee Dementia Friendly new bee and FMN.png
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BEE Dementia Friendly Training Handouts
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