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The "6-Steps to BEE Dementia Friendly" offers family members, caregivers, first responders and all those interested in learning more about dementia the opportunity to learn from Teepa Snow, Dementia Expert. You will learn effective strategies to use when communicating and helping your loved one with dementia. You will learn strategies to use and strategies to avoid at the different levels of dementia.
After you have completed the 6-Steps, please rate the training and provide your email address so that we can send training handouts to you.
Thank you for BEE-ing Dementia Friendly
Step 1 What is Dementia?
Step 2 - Positive Physical Approach
Step 3 Hand-under-Hand
Step 4 First Respoders
Step 5 Challenging Situations
Step 6 Coaching

BEE Dementia Friendly Training Handouts
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